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On March 17, 1776 Prince Petr Urusov was granted the government's privilege for keeping a permanent company in Moscow with the obligation to build a theatre which might serve as the city's adornment and in which opera, ballet and drama performances and also masquerades could be held. The date when this privilege was granted is regarded as the day of foundation of a professional theatre in Moscow and of the nascence of its company. It was quite small at the beginning - just 13 actors and nine actresses, four female dancers, three male dancers with a choreographer and 13 musicians. The same actors appeared in the plays, operas and ballets. On the day of its opening - December 30, 1780 - the audience attended the opening ceremony was shown a performance which included the allegoric prologue "Pilgrims" and the pantomime ballet "Magic School".

You can see also the official site of the BOLSHOI IMPERIAL THEATRE

  More information about Moscow:   [ The Kremlin ] [ The Red Square Mausoleum ] [ The Tretyakov Gallery ] [ G.U.M. ] [ Bolshoi Imperial Theatre ] [ The Novodevichy Convent ]

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